CANMAT is excited to announce the new 2024 Clinical Practice Guideline for the Management of Perinatal Mood, Anxiety, and Related Disorders are now published and available online in the Canadian Journal of Psychiatry (open access). Users who have a registered CANMAT site account may also log in and download the guidelines directly from our website.
CANMAT is also pleased to release an accompanying patient and family guide, Seeds of Hope: Nurturing Mental Health and Managing Perinatal Mood, Anxiety, and Related Disorders / Semer l’espoir: Favoriser la santé mentale et gérer les troubles anxieux, de l’humeur et connexes en périnatalité, which is freely available for download from our website in both English and in French.
This marks a significant milestone in our collective efforts to improve care for individuals experiencing perinatal mood and anxiety disorders. We hope the Guidelines will prove a valuable resource for clinicians, researchers, and those affected by perinatal mental health challenges.
Thank-you to all co-authors and contributors, without whom the guidelines would not be possible.